Mutual Exchange of Young Scholars in Integrated Area Studies

Junior Scholar's Research and Training>Mutual Exchange of Young Scholars in Integrated Area Studies Using Field Stations

The workshop “Mutual Exchange of Young Scholars in Integrated Area Studies by Using Field Stations” funded by JSPS will be held at Kyoto University with 14 invited discussants from the field stations in Southeast Asia in 2009.


This program aims to further deepen mutual exchange between young scholars based at the field stations in Southeast Asia through the utilization of the integrated expertise of International Academic Exchange in Kyoto University, which focuses on the following aspects:
1. To establish a mutual exchange not only for young Japanese scholars who conduct area studies at the field station in Southeast Asia, but also for your scholars in Southeast Asia who are invited to Japan.
2. To corporate young scholar's research and training projects organized by Institutes and Governments in Southeast Asia
3. To formulate an intellectual network among young scholars and take an initiative to develop integrated area studies

The Junior researchers research initiatives projects are operated by the 21st Century COE Program -Aiming for COE of Integrated Area Studies- from 2002 to 2006, Global COE Program "In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa" from 2007 to 2012, and ITP program "On-site Education of Practical Languages for Area Studies", in order to develop an international academic exchange based on 8 filed stations in Southeast Asia. These programs focus on young Japanese scholars who conduct inter-disciplinary area studies at the field stations in Southeast Asia. On the other hand this program aims to establish a mutual exchange of young scholars in both Japan and Southeast Asia, and profound exchanges among the fields through effectively utilizing field stations. We hope that this program will not only provide an opportunity related to mutual exchange of talented young scholars in Southeast Asia and Kyoto University, but furthermore provide a forum under which an interactive awareness of social issues existing in both Japan and Southeast Asia can be shared.

Activity of the program


The invited members

FY2008 invited members

14 researchers including graduate students and postdoctoral fellows from Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia and India will be invited to Kyoto University in March 2009 in order to participate in a workshop titled “Mutual Exchange of Young Scholars in Integrated Area Studies by Using Field Stations” funded by JSPS.

Global COE Program - Kyoto University - In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa
