

日 時:2009年11月28日(土)13:30~17:00
会 場:大阪大学豊中キャンパス 大学教育実践センター教育研究棟1
(旧自然科学棟)2階スチューデント・コモンズ セミナー室1

使用言語:  発表=英語 ディスカッション=日・英語適宜両用


報告1 飯岡直子(シンガポール国立大学)

報告2 蓮田隆志(京都大学)

15:30-15:45 コーヒーブレーク

15:45-17:00 コメント・ディスカッション

コメンテータ 山崎岳 (京都大学)



【発表要旨 Abstracts】

1 飯岡直子Iioka Naoko

In the mid-seventeenth century, as Chinese raw silk exports stagnated
under the Qing maritime ban and Chinese market became increasingly
inaccessible from the sea, Tonkin played a significant role as producer
and exporter of raw silk in the China Sea region. Traders of diverse
origins visited Tonkin’s capital and primary market, Hanoi, with an
attempt to cut into potentially lucrative trade between northern Vietnam
and Japan. For about half a century from the early 1640s to the late
1680s, apart from the Dutch East India Company, Chinese maritime traders
from Fuqing (in Fujian province) were the most successful in supplying
Tonkinese raw silk to the Japan market. However, Fuqing merchants have
never been allotted a deserved place in historical literature of early
modern maritime commerce. The reason is twofold: first, existing
scholarship on the Tonkin-Nagasaki trade focus on the Dutch business
transactions and, therefore, not enough attention has been given to
Chinese mercantile activities in this branch of trade. Second, the Zheng
clan’s strong presence in East and Southeast Asian waters has hindered
historians from looking at other small groups of Chinese junk traders.

By shedding new light on Fuqing traders and examining the way how they
conducted trade between Tonkin and Nagasaki, this research seeks to
break away from these conventional frameworks and in so doing attempts
to delineate a more nuanced picture of Asian maritime commerce during
the early modern period.

2 蓮田隆志 Hasuda, Takashi

[後日お送りします TBA]



世話人・連絡先 Contact:
片岡樹 Tatsuki Kataoka kataoka(at)asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
蓮田隆志 Takashi Hasuda hsd(at)cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
速水洋子 Yoko Hayami yhayami(at)cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp

Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点