Initiative 4

>>Initiative 4 All seminars in past

[2010-12-14] "Changing Position of India in World Politics and Security"G-COE International Conferece 2010 (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2010-11-01] "The Function of Mutual Assistance through the Elderly and Children's"Initiative 4 Seminar" (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2010-07-13] "Social potentioal" of African semi-arid zones" (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2010-06-27] "Initiative 4 Seminar" (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2010-05-15] "Initiative 4 Seminar" (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2010-04-19] "Regional conflict and environmental problem: What is happening at oil producing area in Nigeria" (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2010-03-14] "Exploring the Humanosphere: Survival, Subsistence and Association" Initiative 4 & Junior Reseachers Joint Seminar (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-11-20] (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-11-06] The 5th Study group for STS and Ethnographies related with Environmental Issues and Institutions (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-09-30] Initiative 4 feild trip and Seminar (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-09-26] The 4th Study group for STS and Ethnographies related with Environmental Issues and Institutions (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-07-13] (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-07-07] The 3rd Study group for STS and Ethnographies related with Environmental Issues and Institutions (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-06-30] The 2nd Study group for STS and Ethnographies related with Environmental Issues and Institutions (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-06-02] The 1st Study group for STS and Ethnographies related with Environmental Issues and Institutions (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-06-01] (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-05-26] (Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-01-23] "Rearrangement of "Area/ Society" for Sustainable Humanosphere"[Initiative 4 & Junior Researchers Joint Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2009-01-20] [The 14th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-12-20] [The Kyoto Network of Anthropologists, December Symposium](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-12-13] "Imaginations on Relatedness of Life: Rethinking Reproduction"[The 13th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-12-03] "The Future of Area Studies and Graduate Education"[Initiative 1 & 4, KIAS Joint Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-11-14] [The 12th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-11-04] [The 11th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-10-21] [The 10th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-10-11] "An Anthropological Exploration of Risk and Uncertainty"[The Open Symposium](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-10-10] "Nepal: Journey to Republicanism"(Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-07-26] "Self-reliance, Solidarity, & Subsistence: Dialogue between Sociology and Anthropology on "Poverty" in the Era of Neoliberalism"[The 9th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-07-11] "Searching for an Area Studies Approach to Disaster Prevention and Rehabilitation from Experiences of Involvement in Rehabilitation Work"[Initiative 4 & Junior Researchers Seminars Joint Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-07-04] "Imagining Ways of Relatedness of Life: Cultures of Reproduction from Three Karen Cases"[The 8th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-06-20] "An Introduction to Networks of People, Things and Technologies"[The 7th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-06-17] "Simulating the Solar Power Satellite (SPS) 2000 System operation: From field surveys in countries around the equator"[Initiative 2 & 4 Joint Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-06-12] "Comparing Human Development in India & China"[Initiative 1 & 4 Joint Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-05-19] [The 6th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-05-09] "Towards Anthropology of Life"[The 5th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-04-21] "Construction of rural landscape: An eco-history of a sacred forest and chimpanzees in Guinea"[The 4th Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-02-14] "Local Knowledge and Its Positive Practice"(Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2008-01-28] [The 3rd Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2007-12-14] [The 1st Symposium](Initiative 4 Seminar)
[2007-11-13] [The 2nd Seminar](Initiative 4 Seminar)

Global COE Program - Kyoto University - In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa
