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Division:JSPS Research Fellow, Graduate School of Asian and African Area Studies
Main Research :Initiative 2 "Study on nature-inspired technologies and institutions"
Project Title:Re-evaluation of traditional forest-use in monsoon Asia

Research Theme: 

  1. Transformation of traditional forest-use and resources management
  2. Interregional relationship through tea products
  3. Regional characteristics of fermented tea production



  • Sasaki, A., Takeda, S., Kanzaki, M. Ohta, S. and Preechapanya, P. 2007. "Population Dynamics and Land-Use Changes in a Miang (Chewing Tea) Village, Northern Thailand", TROPICS,.16(2), pp. 75-85.
  • Sasaki, A. In press. "Changes in the Management System of the Resources in the 'Miang Tea Gardens': A Case Study of PMO village, northern Thailand",TROPICS.


2007 G-COE Research Outcome

  • Sasaki, Ayako 2008 Socio-economic Studies on Transformation of Traditional Tea Cultivation in Northern Thailand. Dr. Agr. Thesis, Kyoto University.


List of Academic Presentations during 2007:

  • Sasaki, Ayako Changes in the 'Miang-Tea Agroforest System' following the Socio-economic Changes in Northern Thailand. Joint Reporting Seminar on “Ecology and Utilization of Forest Vegetation in Northern Thailand”, International Education and Training Center, Maejo University, Thailand, 23rd August 2007.


2008 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2008:




2009 G-COE Research Outcome:



List of Academic Presentations during 2009:

  • Sasaki, A. Mapping mangrove forest maintained by natural shrimp farming in Chanthaburi Province, Thailand. International Workshop “Local Conservation and Sustainable Use of Swamp Forest in Tropical Asia”, Ranong, Thailand. December 2009