"Asian socio-economic history in Classics"[The 7th Seminar](Initiative 1 Seminar)

Date: October 25, 2008 (Sat.)    14:00PM -
Venue: Meeting Room (102), Institute for Research in Humanities

Nobuyuki Yabushita (Professor,Kinki University)

・K.N.Chaudhuri Trade and Civilization in the Indian Ocean, Cambridge UP 1985,
・A. Reed Southeast Asia in the age of commerce 1450-1680, Yale UP 1988
・K.N.Chaudhuri Asia before Europe, Cambridge UP 1990

Global COE Program - Kyoto University - In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa: "Asian socio-economic history in Classics"[The 7th Seminar](Initiative 1 Seminar)