Video Workshop(2008/07/12-13)

Date: July 12th (13:00- 15:00), 13th (13:00-17:00) (The two-day WS)
Venue: Common building #307, ASAFAS/CSEAS, Kawabata Campus

Facilitator: Itsushi Kawase (JSPS Research Fellow, ASAFAS Kyoto University)

This workshop regards video as "language" rather than the tool for
gathering visual records.
It can be used to approach knowledge in new ways that researchers can
acquire and apply to their own disciplines in a form of discourse radically different
from that of written texts.
This workshop is being offered to researchers with little experience
of video production who wish to use video in research projects. The 1st day of workshop will argue the ways of "seeing" through juxtaposing extracts from much-discussed anthropological cinemas during 2006-2007. The 2nd day includes the basic training for videotaping out on the field and theoretical discussions of how video may be applied to the research and publication in anthropology and related disciplines.
Global COE Program - Kyoto University - In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa: Video Workshop(2008/07/12-13)