

発表者:Marine Robillard (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris)

タイトル: Baka Pygmies and their neighbors face to environmental policies in central Africa.

共催: アフリカ地域研究資料センター

Dear All,
This is an announcement of the 5th seminar on Central African Studies.
Date: Thursday, 11th Nov.14:00-
Place: Seminar room (318), 3rd floor, Inamori Memorial Building.

Speaker: Marine ROBILLARD (Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris)

Title: Baka Pygmies and their neighbors face to environmental policies in central Africa.

*This seminar is co-organized with the Center for African Area Studies of Kyoto University.

Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点