An Illustrated Eco-History of the Mekong River Basin(GCOE関係者による出版物)


書名:An Illustrated Eco-History of the Mekong River Basin
編集:Tomoya Akimichi 
著者:竹田晋也 The opium poppy. In Tomoya Akimichi eds. , Secondary Forests. In Tomoya Akimichi eds.
発行元:White Lotus Co Ltd

【書籍紹介】This is a broad-ranging study of the interactions transforming people's livelihoods and their environment in the rapidly developing yet ecologically diverse Mekong River Basin region. Encompassing scientific material on climate, health and habitat through to social studies on the large number of ethnic groups, the new findings presented here from the collaboration of over sixty international researchers in a plurality of disciplines reflect the drastic changes of recent times. The chapter topics include Mutualism in Tropical Monsoon Forests; Making Salt; Millet; The Opium Poppy; and Growth During Childhood; among others. Indexed.



Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点