
日 時:2009年8月3(月) 13:00~17:00
場 所:京大会館 211号室(40名収容)

各発表30分 質疑応答5分
全体討論 40分

Barry Hewlett: Victims or Active Decision-Makers: Factors that
Influence Marginalization of African Forest Foragers

Bonnie Hewlett: Marginalization of Central African forest foragers:
Perceptions, Rights and Efficacy

竹内潔: From ‘Community through exclusion’ to ‘Marginalized and
fragmented community’: The Aka Forest Foragers Society in the
Replublic of the Congo

木村大治: Everyday Conversation of the Baka Pygmies

松浦直毅: Ritual Practice and Participation in the State System
of the Babongo in Southern Gabon

Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点