「アフリカ在来知研究会」 [ 例会 ] (イニシアティブ4 研究会)

日 時:2008年1月24日(木) 10:30~12:00
場 所:京都大学ASAFAS・工学部4号館4階 新第二講義室(AA469号室)

発表者:Dr. Muluneh Tamiru Oli (JSPS、岩手生物工学研究センター)

発表テーマ:Assessing diversity in traditional agriculture: the case of yam landraces (Dioscorea spp.) in Southern Ethiopia

Ethiopia is an important center of yam cultivation outside the 'yam belt' of West Africa. Nevertheless, extent of the available diversity and associated indigenous knowledge has not been investigated in detail. A farm-level survey conducted in Southern Ethiopia reveals that local farmers possess extensive knowledge about the diversity present in yam landraces, which are carefully selected and managed to meet household needs. Farmers described 37 recognized landraces throughout the study area, with one to six landraces on individual farms. Time to maturity, drought tolerance and organoleptic qualities are among factors considered in deciding number and type of landraces to grow. The local classification system is an important aspect of the diversity management. Two major categories of yams are recognized: hatuma boye ('male' yam) and macha boye ('female' yam) without reference to the reproductive biology of the plant. This classification is consistent with findings based on molecular markers. Landraces within each category are further identified based on a range of plant and environmental attributes. Yam production in the study area is constrained by several environmental and economic factors, and these need to be addressed if farmers are to continue maintaining the available germplasm. To this end, conservation and crop improvement programs must take into account the multiple objectives of farmers and the importance of diversity in local agriculture, and particularly emphasize those attributes that farmers find important in each landrace.

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Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点