生存圏研究所 第61回定例オープンセミナー(2007/10/24)


日 時:2007年10月24日(水)

題目:Evaluation of Biomass Production of Plantation Forest in Tropical Area —A case study of Acacia plantation forest, P.T. Musi Hutan Persada, Indonesia—
「熱帯大規模造林地におけるバイオマス生産の評価」~インドネシア PT Musi Hutan Persada 社アカシア植林地を例として~

発表者: Ragil Widyorini (ミッション専攻研究員)


Tropical forests are one important component of the global carbon (C) cycle. Changes in the carbon standing stock of the tree reflect the balance between growth and mortality (including harvesting) and determine the status of forest as a carbon sink or source. Evaluating the carbon sink function of the tropical forest and confirming the sustainability of wood production is the main goal of the carbon flow analysis project. In this research, we will focus on establishing the data of annual biomass production of acacia plantation forest in tropical area and also relating the effect of the environment constraint to the annual tree growth. This research is performed in cooperation with a tree plantation company called PT Musi Hutan Persada (PT MHP) in South Sumatra Indonesia, which has managed an Acacia mangium plantation forest of 190 000 ha. The research field area is acacia plantation at Unit V of PT MHP, which is around 9 300 ha. We use long-term inventory data collected by PT MHP. The expected outcomes of this research are following; estimation data of standing tree volume, annual increment, the annual/total biomass production at unit V and annual tree growth relation to the data of environment constraint (temperature, rainfall, etc).

Future perspectives such as soil analysis, carbon flow analysis relating to harvesting wood as carbon pool, carbon balance between atmosphere and arbosphere and from soil to atmosphere, can be further analyzed to get a better understanding of the global carbon cycle.


 本GCOEプログラムの次世代研究イニシアティブによる助成を受けている、Ragil Widyoriniさんによる今年度の研究計画の発表会。研究対象となるMHP社のアカシアマンギウム産業植林地は、イニシアティブ3「地域生存基盤の再生研究」のメインフィールドである。MHP社が提供しているアカシアマンギウムの成長に関する既存のデータから、産業林全体の炭素固定能力を明らかにするためにどのような研究アプローチを取ってゆくかについての発表があった。

文責 佐藤孝宏

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Global COE Program 京都大学:生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点